Dream analysis,

psychological support and counselling.

Are you in a transitional phase of your life?

Are you wondering which way to go, have you lost your sense of purpose, are you facing a difficulty or an important decision? Do you feel blocked, trapped in patterns?

As a certified analytical psychologist I offer guidance and counselling, including working with dreams.

What can you expect?

Dreams are the soul’s commentary on our lives. They include what we overlook, supress, what could be re-evaluated or seen differently.

Which areas or questions of life and experience are in the foreground is unique to the individual.

Careful analysis of dreams can open-up new possibilities for you, help to classify and process the past, deal with your current situation and find your way into the future.

Possible challenges?

The language of dreams is sometimes strange to us and the blunt directness of the images is, at times, even embarrassing for us. Their translation into a psychological language creates understanding for the impulses of our soul.

Everything that you and your dreams share will be treated carefully and confidentially.

Your dreams are an important basis for our work together. For all those for whom dreams vanish: experience shows, regular note-taking has a positive effect on memory.


Denise Rudin

I initially trained and worked as a crafts teacher and subsequently studied Anthropology & History at the University of Basel, graduating with a Masters degree in African Studies.

I then continued postgraduate studies and got a diploma in Analytical Psychology from the Training and Research Centre for Analytical Psychology according to C.G. Jung and Marie-Louise von Franz in Zurich. 

The examination of my own dreams has accompanied me for more than 25 years.

I have gathered work experience in various fields and am currently part of a team responsible for a community for psychologically impaired people.


Individual support

1 session / week is useful at the beginning in-order to get a process going. Other intervals are also possible by arrangement.

Sessions usually take place in Dornach but can also be conducted online if necessary.

Session fee: CHF 120 / 60 minutes.

I Ching Consultation

I Ching, the Chinese Book of Changes, is based on a prediction system whose roots go back over 3000 years. Psychological constellations are interpreted using 64 hexagrams, which describe various situations in symbolic language. 

I Ching offers another way to connect with what is central in a particular life situation. It can support reflection and orientation, decision making and development.

A consultation lasts 2 hours, includes discussion of your current situation or concern as well as the formulation of a resulting question to the I Ching, the determination of the hexagram, the interpretation related to your question and resulting suggestions for implementation.

Session fee: CHF 240 / 2 hours.


Please contact me by mail

Denise Rudin
CH-4143 Dornach


Or book an appointment online.